
Taurus Season: April 20th - May 20th

Taurus, the second the sign of the zodiac, is a fixed earth sign ruled by the feminine energies of Venus, and represented by the bull; a symbol of the power of nature.

The bull represents earthly and bodily connections. It's mythological depictions act as cautionary tales, emphasising the importance of humility, truth and decency. In the absence of these qualities the bulls power becomes rampant and destructive.

In Greek Mythology, Zeus transformed himself into a white bull to 'seduce' and then ravish Europa who, as a result, bore him three sons; Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon. It was Minos who would then become King of Crete with the help of Poseidon. Minos vowed to sacrifice the sacred bull, which Poseidon sent as proof his claim to the throne, but when the time came he chose to keep the magnificent creature and deceive Poseidon by sacrificing a normal bull instead. Aware of this deception, Poseidon punished Minos by cursing his wife with a raging lust for the sacred bull which resulted in the birth of the monstruous Minotaur; a half bull, half human sustained by human flesh. Minos hid the beast hid the beastly Minotaur in a labyrinth and fed a healthy supply of Crete’s youth to it. The creature was later slain by Theseus who then married Minos daughter and became King of Crete, earning the title Bull Minos and restoring Crete's natural order.

The Minoan civilisation of Crete was otherwise a matriarchal society, celebrating and honouring the goddess, Venus, of love and fertility, or as others believe, Gaia, the mother earth goddess of creation. Either way, the bulls of Crete represent femininity through the nurturing and protection provided for those dependent on cattle for food, clothing and shelter. When Minos kept the sacred bull for himself, he disrupted the sacred cycle of life. His greed for power and self-serving indulgences dishonoured the goddess, resulting in stagnation of the natural flow. Despite the appearance of prosperity, a great beast manifested of greed dwelled at the very heart of Crete.

The story of Minos demonstrates how passions can become rampant when driven by compulsion, desire and greed. Taurus must not repress these instincts but rather transcend them, remaining grounded in their earth connection and feminine energy. At their highest self, a Taurus is trustworthy, persistent and patient. They are strong-willed, passionate, and sensual with an appreciation for life's simple pleasures. The key is knowing when to release that which no longer serves, just as Minos should have released the sacred bull!


Taurus Correspondences

symbols & elements

Venus, earth, feminine, fixed, bull, cattle, Spring, The Hierophant

herbs & flowers

Mint, sage, thyme, foxglove, rose, violet, dandelion, patchouli, peony

characteristics & traits

Trustworty, persistent, patient, grounded, protective


crystals & stones

Emerald, jade, agate, opal, sapphire, turquoise, moss agate, topaz

colours & candles

blue, pink, green

deities & figures

Osiris, Venus, Hera


Author of this post: Natasha McLoughlin
Image credit: Natasha McLoughlin

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